EMHA is accepting teams from Group 3,4 and 5 classifications as well as D classifications for our Atom AE/Peewee AE tournament.
Date of tournament is November 20, 21 and 22, 2015.
Registration fee is $875.00 with no gate fees.
All teams will be guaranteed 3 games to a maximum of 5 games.
There will be championship and finalist awards.
There will be MVP's in all round robin and playoff games.
There will be participant awards for all players.
Make cheque payable to Elmvale Minor Hockey.
Please provide phone number and email so that you can be contacted regarding acceptance into the tournament. You will receive confirmation via email
Send cheque to
Tournament Director
c/o Elmvale Minor Hockey
14 George Street, Unit D
Elmvale, Ontario
L0L 1P0