Darrin Robertson Receives OMHA Honour Award!, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Dec 20, 2012 | kfay | 6901 views
Darrin Robertson Receives OMHA Honour Award!
Elmvale Minor Hockey Association (EMHA) is pleased to announce that Darrin Robertson was awarded the Ontario Minor Hockey Association’s (OMHA) Honour Award during the OMHA Annual General Meeting in June 2012.  This award is set up to honour a person who has made an outstanding voluntary contribution to minor hockey for a considerable period of time, doing so of his, or her, own free will and not as part of a job or position for which they receive monetary consideration.

Webster’s definition of volunteer is “A person who offers to do something of his own free will.”  Darrin exemplifies this definition perfectly. In today’s busy world few people think about what it takes to run the organization their child is playing hockey with. Not many realize the time and dedication it takes by the volunteers who are behind the scenes running the organization.

EMHA is no different than many of the rural or small town centers that comprise OMHA. We have a group of dedicated volunteers running our organization and without these volunteers our children would not have the great opportunity to play hockey. One of these volunteers is Darrin Robertson.   

Darrin is a strong supporter of EMHA and OMHA. He truly believes in bringing hockey to the youth of our community and has put his time and energy behind doing this for many years. For these reasons EMHA nominated Darrin for the OMHA Honour Award.  

Please join us in congratulating Darrin on winning this prestigious award when you see him in the rink this year. Congratulations Darrin and thank you for everything you have done and do for EMHA! Without people like Darrin Robertson there is a good chance that hockey wouldn't be available in our community.
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