Atom LL Teams Selected for 2015-16 Season, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Sep 25, 2015 | kfay | 7035 views
Atom LL Teams Selected for 2015-16 Season
The official 2015-16 Atom LL draft day has occurred and the two teams have been selected. Although moves are still possible before the trade deadline, please attend practices for your respective team unless given further notice... Go Coyotes Go!

Read further for player selection!

Atom LL1

Coach Mark Cairncross

H Schutt

E Monk

L Cairncross

W Nelson

A Birch

C Ayotte

B Doupe

N Boland

T Bacik Zanetti

A Clemens

R Burns

C Dupuis

N Barber

J Blake

E Tetzlaff

A Skelton Dyck

N Rice


Atom LL2

Coach John Veenstra

C Kleingebbinck

J Pickering

R Schepers

R Johnston

N Sokach

A Walker 

M Veenstra

W Aldred

M Smith

T Williams

L Hammer

K McClung

L Hall

B Finlayson

A Lawson

O Nell

EMHA Association Sponsor
EMHA Association Sponsor