Feb 02, 2017 | Michael Kelly | 3850 views
Geranium Homes Generously Donates $10,000
This past month Elmvale Minor Hockey Association received a very generous
donation from Geranium Homes of $10,000. Geranium Homes is a developer who
has projects coming up in Springwater Township. They have presented us these
funds to help assist with local player development and are committed to helping
grow an active community.
This charitable donation will be put to good use by helping with the ongoing financial constraints the organization has. The majority of the money will be put towards updating and purchasing new equipment as well as help finance some of the various skill development clinics that are offered to the members of EMHA. Both of these initiatives are very valuable to the organization and will help assist in the progress of the organization and more importantly the players of Elmvale Minor Hockey.
Organizations like EMHA rely heavily on the generosity of the businesses that operate in the surrounding community. Without these contributions we would not be able to provide the opportunity we do for the close to 300 young players that are currently enrolled here. EMHA would like to thank all team sponsors on top of Geranium Homes for their support as they are helping keep kids active and enjoy the sport they love to play.