EMHA AGM - May 5th, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Mar 27, 2018 | Michael Kelly | 2910 views
EMHA AGM - May 5th
EMHA Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday May 5, 2018 upstairs in the Springwater Room at the Elmvale Arena @ 10:00am

Registration for the upcoming season will follow the AGM.

Please come out and have your voice heard.  As a member of the organization this is your chance for you to ask questions and give your input on how the association is run. All members of Elmvale Minor hockey are invited to attend.  Elections for the 2018/2019 Executive positions will also take place.

Association BY-LAWS – Procedure for Amendments
Procedure for any proposed changes to the current By-Laws by the Association Members must be
submitted in writing to the Secretary 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) scheduled for
May 5, 2018 for consideration at the AGM.  Deadline for submission is April 25, 2018. Submissions can
be made by email Lorrianne Dutton (Secretary) – [email protected]

Executive Positions
The following Executive member positions will be open for nominations during the 2016 Annual General

OMHA/GB Convenor
Equipment Manager
Volunteer Committee Manager
Fundraising Manager
Technical Director

Nominations for the Executive position will be accepted from the floor during the AGM. If there is anyone
who will be absent from the AGM but wishes to accept nominations, you may submit in writing to
Lorrianne Dutton (Secretary) your name and the specific position(s) you will accept nominations for by
May 4, 2018 - [email protected]

Individuals MUST be present in order to nominate an individual to a position. Written nominations will not
be accepted.

AGM Agenda
1. Call to order
2. Executive Introductions
3. Approval of minutes from AGM 2017
4. President’s address and reporting on activities of the Association from 2017-2018
5. Financial report from 2017-2018 season and projected financial position for 2018-2019
6. Voting of Amendments to the By-Law/Constitution
7. General Discussions and New Business
8. Election of new Elmvale Minor Hockey Executive positions
9. Closing remarks
10. Motion to adjourn
EMHA Association Sponsor
EMHA Association Sponsor