Registration for the 5 remaining development ice sessions will open Wednesday Oct. 14th at 4pm. and will remain open until the final scheduled ice time. With much higher demand than expected I have changed the process. When players register they can select as many of the sessions as they like. Each week a list of players that have been selected to fill the 24 spots for the PeeWee to Midget group and the 28 spots for the Tyke to Atom group will be posted to the website, the group sizes have been set to ensure use of the ice surface and communication are effective . I am trying to make sure that everyone that wants it ,gets an opportunity with extra skill development ice time.
Date Time Age Groups Skill
Nov 20th 7-8 Tyke- Atom Skating
8-9 Peewee - Midget Skating
Nov 27th 7-8 Tyke - Atom Puck Handling
8-9 PeeWee - Midget Puck Handling
Dec 4th 7-8 Tyke - Atom Shooting
8-9 PeeWee - Midget Shooting
Dec 11th 7-8 Tyke - Atom Passing
8-9 PeeWee - Midget Passing
Dec 18th 7-8 Tyke - Atom Skating