Programming Commitee, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Apr 07, 2019 | Michael Kelly | 3361 views
Programming Commitee
The EMHA has created a new committee called the 'Programming Committee'.  Programming in this instance is broadly defined as anything that affects the players on ice experience.

They will be tasked with discussing and making recommendations to the executive relating to any and all issues related to 'programming'.

These meetings are open to any member of EMHA who wishes to attend and foster discussion and growth in the area of programming.

Our 1st meeting will be held April 17th at 8:00pm (Library - Downstairs).

1 - Introductions / Format
2 - AE Programming
3 - Coach Selection Process
4 - Topics to discuss at future meetings

Committee Members Include:
Cairncross, Mark
Dutton, Doug
Fay, Cullen
Fay, Kevin
Lalonde, Anthony
Kelly, Michael
Seney, John

If you have any questions you can email Mike Kelly at [email protected]
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