Virtual AGM - Thurs. July 9th, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Jul 06, 2020 | Sherry Hall | 9486 views
Virtual AGM - Thurs. July 9th
The 2019-2020 AGM will occur virtually on Thursday, July 9th at 6:00pm.

Anyone interested in attending are required to register using the registration link below, prior to the meeting. 

Several EMHA executive positions are up for election this year.
1.  OMHA/Rep Convenor
2.  Secretary
3.  Equipment Manager
4.  Volunteer Committee Manager
5.  Fundraising Manager
6.  Registrar (elected last year for training purposes)  

We are asking that those interested in running for any of the open positions on the executive send your interest to Lorrianne ([email protected]) 2 days prior to the meeting (Tuesday, July 7th) so that we can program the voting tool. 

Should you have any questions you would like addressed during the meeting we are also encouraging you to send in prior to the meeting so that we can include the information during the meeting.
Please submit any questions to: [email protected]

For those interested, here are the minutes from last year's AGM for you to review:


May 4 , 2019
Elmvale Arena

1. Call to order at 10:00

2. Review and Motion to accept May 2018 AGM meeting minutes
Motion: Sandra Tolles
Second: Colleen McGinnis
Result: Carried

President’s address and reporting on activities of the Association from 2019-2020

3. President Report (Tina Robertson)
I would like to start by saying welcome and thank you all for coming to the EMHA annual general meeting. Without your presence and dedication to this organization Elmvale Minor Hockey would not be possible. From your dedication in getting kids to games and practices and volunteering in all our different fundraisers and tournaments your input and assistance is greatly valued and appreciated. I would also like to specifically thank all our coaching staff members, from head and assistant coaches to managers and trainers, you all put in so much extra time and effort to help our kids learn both hockey and life skills, all while enjoy the game. I would also like to thank the executive members, they put in countless hours running this organization and always go above and beyond to get things done. There are many positions up for election this year and I for one am excited to see what new ideas will arise. We started the season last May with some new faces on the executive and lots of new ideas for our future season. Because we have such a great organization the season flows by very quickly. With registrations, golf tournament, and the coaching selection process, the months of May and June passed by quickly and the new season had begun. As the summer break drew to a close we were back on the ice at the end of August with pre skates for all the players to get ready for the start of tryouts and the new season. September brought tryouts for our Rep players and the first skates of the season for our LL kids and youngest players in preschool, IP and tyke, some of these young players on the ice for the very first time. After the thanksgiving break and another well attended KICX dance. EMHA hosted 3 successful tournaments plus the Tyke anti-bullying day and provided extra development ice times for our goalies and skaters. Although our records this year didn’t show alot of wins on the game sheets we hope the kids learned and improved some skills and ultimately had fun making some memories. It was suggested by some executive members that we start a small subcommittee comprised of any interested members to discuss what we need to work on to improve our players skills, so far they have met once and lots of good discussion was had. This committee is open to all members so just keep an eye on the website for future dates. And as usual we ended the season with the Awards, pop, ice cream and medals....a great way to end a season. Unfortunately as with any big organization we had a few problems, in the past few years parent behaviour in the stands has become an ongoing issue, we as an organization want to stress that anyone representing EMHA anywhere needs to follow our code of conduct and we as an association will be monitoring and enforcing this code in the coming years. We all want to be able to wear our Coyote logo with pride. So as my first term as president of this great organization comes to a close I thank you all for participating throughout the year and look forward to another great season of Coyote hockey in the Den .

Executive Introductions

OMHA Rep Convenor Report (Cullen Fay)
I would like to start by thanking all of our Representative teams for their sportsmanship and work ethic throughout the season – a job well representing Elmvale Minor Hockey. Spanning from Novice to Midget, with AE teams in Atom and PeeWee divisions, we should be proud of the type of young men and women our organization is helping to shape.

Congratulations go out to those teams who also saw success on the scoreboard: Our Atom Rep and AE teams made it to the OMHA ¼ finals, and played competitively through out the season. In Georgian Bay Playoffs congratulations should go out to the Bantam Rep team as A Consolation Winners, and the Atom Reps who were the B Championship Finalists. Considering the wide range of teams we face in the GB area these are considerable accomplishments.

In my first year back as OMHA Rep Convenor I have had the opportunity to get back into the swing of things and continued to learn from and discuss thoughts on minor hockey with some very experience members from EMHA and the surrounding GB associations. I continue to have a great appreciation for what it takes to make an organization like Elmvale Minor Hockey run: it takes a lot of time and energy from coaching staffs, our volunteer crew, our ice scheduler and all members of the executive – thanks for all of your contributions both big and small. I look forward to continuing in this role next year!

Sponsors and Publicity Manager Report (Tamara Tschop-Mclaren)
I would like to start by thanking all of our wonderful sponsors. The Elmvale Minor Hockey Association is grateful for a solid group of businesses and organizations that generously donate every year, helping our hockey players develop skills that they can use on and off the ice. For the 2018/2019 hockey season, there were 19 EMHA teams. Each team had a sponsor, except for our Pre-School team, which does not play any games. Team Sponsors were as follows:
Team 2018-19 Sponsors
IP #1 Ritchie's Feeds 'N' Needs
IP #2 Ritchie's Feeds 'N' Needs
TYKE #1 Tim Hortons
TYKE #2 Tim Hortons
NOVICE LL#1 Elmvale Legion
NOVICE REP McNamara Power Line
ATOM LL #1 DDA Trucking
ATOM LL #2 Lynn Stone Funeral Home
ATOM AE Hardship Acres
ATOM REP Elmvale Lions Club
PEEWEE LL#1 Bourgeious Motors
PEEWEE AE Shaws Heating and Cooling
PEEWEE REP Home Hardware
BANTAM LL#1 McLaren Equipment
BANTAM LL#2 Telequip Wireless Communication
MIDGET LL#1 Solly Family Dentistry
MIDGET REP Whitfield’s Guardian Pharmacy

I also want to give a big thank you to all of the executive members & volunteers who have put in so much time to make this season successful!

Game day Operations (Michael Kelly)
Ice Time This season there was 1 major change in ice time. We eliminated 2 hours on Sunday mornings. We also allocated some prime time on Tuesday nights to development. Although well attended, it may not be possible to continue to allocate those types of ice times to development going forward. Throughout the regular season there were a few spots that came up from time to time and during the playoff season there was lots of ice time that was available. Additional time was allocated on a priority basis, with the priority list on the website. We were able to sell off a few hours to outside users, but many hours still went unused at the end of the season.

2019/2020 Scheduler - Ice Time > Not Appointed At This Time

Timekeepers & Gatekeepers
Status quo on both these fronts. Denine Dempster continues to do an excellent job of maintaining adequate staff to ensure games are covered.
2019/2020 Scheduler - Timekeepers > Denine Dempster
2019/2020 Scheduler - Gatekeepers > Denine Dempster

We were able to have a few officials consider Elmvale a home centre this year which led to an increase in the total officials on our roster. We also picked up 3 new or returning officials to offset the 3 officials that decided not to return. We had 1 official move up a level this year.
 20 Total Officials (Up from 17 last year)
o 8 Level 3+ (Up from 6 last year)
o 9 Level 2C (Up from 6 last year)
o 3 Level 2R- (Down from 5 last year)

 2 New Officials, 1 Official returned after 2 years off, 3 Officials converted from other centres to Elmvale.
 3 Officials did not return 2019/2020

Scheduler - Referees > Derek Prescott

Referee Costs 16,234
Timekeeper Costs 4,752
Gatekeeper Costs 3,822


Referee Costs 16,819
Timekeeper Costs 4,998
Gatekeeper Costs 3,688

Referee Costs 16,680
Timekeeper Costs 5,042
Gatekeeper Costs 3,684

Equipment Manager Report (James Elliott)
Welcome everyone. As equipment manager of Elmvale Minor Hockey it is been my pleasure to exercise the duties this job entails. As equipment manager it was my job to maintain and equip the locker room. This involves organization of the jerseys, distribution of socks and equipping of trainers kits. It also involves stocking of pucks and training equipment. I have enjoyed working with the many trainers, coaches managers and especially the executive of this organization. Thank you for your many hours of service. I look forward to many more successful seasons. Go Coyotes.

Technical Director Report (Jamie McClung) This season as the Technical Director my main focus was in finding a Head Coach for each of EMHA's teams and organizing the development ice. We were able to find coaches for each of the teams we registered this season, with 4 of them being nonparent coaches. As a group each and every coach put in a lot of time to make sure the kids were prepared and ready, made sure each player was enjoying their time at the rink and learning and developing as hockey players.

We ran our development clinics for skaters and goalies in November and December this season. With better ice times available Tuesday and Wednesday nights, demand was much greater then previous years and far more players wanted a little extra development than available spots on the ice this year. We never want to say no to a player that wants ice time, however we picked numbers that we felt were workable numbers on ice, and made sure everyone that was interested got some development ice.

We ran a mid season evaluation at the Atom age group to gauge interest from the parents in doing mid season coaching evaluations and to test the online form via our website as a option for the year end Coaching evaluations.

At the year end Coaching evaluations we only had 56 evaluations completed across all teams. With lots of positive feedback as well as some constructive criticism on things we can change and improve upon moving forward. At seasons end we conducted exit interviews with all the Head Coaches to give each one some feedback as well taking the opportunity to take their feedback on things we as the association can work on and improve from a coaching standpoint. One common topic that came up was, issues in the stands among the parent groups from many different centers as well Elmvale. As a group, coaches, bench staff, volunteers and parents we need remember that we are the rink to support the players and officials on the ice in a respectful manner and in a way that creates a positive and enjoyable evironment for everyone

Secretary Report (Lorrianne Dutton)
The following is a list of the activities I participated in as the EMHA Secretary:
> Recorded the proceedings of all executive meetings
> Compiled all the Award Winners for the Annual Banquet and was responsible for purchasing the trophies and ordering the Esso Awards
> Revised and updated the EMHA Bylaws as recommended by the executive members to be voted on at the AGM

This is my 5th year as Secretary and it has been another exciting and eventful year. Our executive meetings were held the fourth Thursday of each month and each meeting ran on average for 3-4 hour.

Volunteer Managers Report (Shannon Boland)
As the volunteer manager I organize and help facilitate the volunteers within our organization. As a group we have approximately 145 families/volunteers and everyone works hard to help EMHA run smoothly. This year the volunteers participated in the concession booth, dance and golf tournament to help raise funds to offset the cost of running our organization. They were successful in raising a significant amount of money through these fundraisers. Volunteers were also instrumental in helping to run apparel sales, IP festival, awards night, picture night and Colt night. Without their participation these events would not be possible. As well there are the number of people that run the teams themselves, from the coaches to the managers and trainers, everyone works hard to help our kids have fun and be successful.

I was impressed with the enthusiasm shown by many of our volunteers this year and appreciated all their hard work.

As an organization we continue to feel the inclusion of volunteers to be necessary and beneficial to everyone to keep our small town connection. Many organizations have done away with volunteer hours but we as an organization have expressed our desire to keep our volunteers in place and I look forward to seeing the changes next EMHA year!

Registrar Report (Colleen McGinnis)
Thank you for registering your children to play hockey with EMHA this year. I hope they had fun and continued to develop their skills while providing you with some exciting hockey to watch.

Registration fees for the 2018 – 2019 remained the same for 2018-2019 season.

In 2018 we registered 273 players. One less player than the season before.

We continue to complete Registration with OMHA and rosters through the Hockey Canada Registry.

The Registration Fee Structure for the 2019 – 2020 season will change slightly to align with OMHA guidelines and increase by $25 for the Atom – Midget age groups. We will be following the OMHA age guidelines and will have programs available from Preschool to Midget. Tyke will now be called Minor Novice. Georgian Bay Triangle Local League will be providing insight again this year to how the Minor Novice program will be structured, we believe it will be similar to last year’s Tyke program as this was successful. Hockey Canada and OMHA are introducing the next stage of the development changes which will affect Novice Programming this season. Please see Cullen, Tina, Angela or I if you have questions about how Novice will look for the next season. Registration will begin following the Annual General Meeting and continue on a scheduled basis through May. There will be a late registration in August.

Families attending the 2018-2019 AGM will have the opportunity to win one of 3 $300 off registration prizes.

Registration packages will be available during registration times and on the website.

Tournament Director’s Report (Ryen Oakes)
First off a big thank you to the long list of volunteers for all of your help overseeing the registration desk and diligently checking game sheets. A special mention to Jason Monck who did double duty during the Maple Syrup tournament so I could be on the bench when we played. I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention that I did not do this job alone. Brian Murphy was a huge help at all three events. Murph lined up all of the sponsors, did all of the set up and tear down upstairs and worked every Friday in Elmvale while I was in Midland. Thanks Murph!

In October we hosted the Bryan English memorial tournament, proudly sponsored by George Begley of Elmvale Home Hardware. This is a tournament for midget rep, bantam Rep , and Midget Local League with 8 teams in each midget division and four in the Bantam division. The Bantam and Midget Rep teams made it into Sunday and the Elmvale Midget Rep team made the finals but lost in OT in a hard fought battle.

In November we held the Orr Lake Hat Trick tournament, thank you to Jason Harris of Orr lake golf and country club for sponsoring. The peewee, atom and Novice divisions all had eight teams in each division. All of the ELMVALE teams but one made it into Sunday.

In February we once again ran the Anti Bullying Cup and four teams played three games each, plus did a skills challenge interrupted by a pizza lunch. The highlight of the day might have been the anti bullying talk given by Officer Brian Anderson and his partner Bauer. Thanks Brian! Also, a big thank you to all of the tyke coaches for officiating and organizing the kids

On the last weekend of March we hosted the Maple Syrup tournament and again, the ELMVALE teams did well with the Novices narrowly missing a Sunday berth, the Peewees losing in OT in the semis, and the Atoms winning the tournament for a second consecutive year!

The tournaments seemed to be well received and using the ice in Midland allowed us to add an extra group to the first two events and four extra teams to the last event. This of course helps to generate revenue for the association. The other area where we make money is by saving money. For any team we can offer a home tournament to, we are able to hold onto the $500 that we provide teams who don’t get a home tournament. All in, tournament revenue was around $9000.00 not including the money we saved by offering a home tournament to ten teams.

A special thank you to our very generous sponsors
Jason Schell of Steelers
Jason Harris of Orr Lake Golf and Country Club
George Begley of Elmvale Home Hardware
Ryan Reynolds of Elmvale Foodland

Also a thank you to Ron Belcourt for allowing us to use the upstairs during events.

4. Voting of Amendments to the By-Law/Constitution

(B) Coach Selection Process

Proposed change to 12.3

Recommended Deletion of 12.3 in its entirety
12.3 Coaching Selection Committee:
a) The Coaching Selection Committee shall be chaired by the Technical Director (Head Coach) and shall consist of three other elected members of the Board of Directors. The President will be considered a member and attend, monitor process and cast a vote only in the event of a tie.
b) The Coaching Selection Committee shall: i. Set coaching selection criteria; ii. Convene meetings and interviews to select coaches for the respective teams;
c) Follow the guidelines of the OHF Ten Step Screening Process.
d) Make recommendations to the Executive for approval for the selection of the coaches made by the coach's selection committee; Ensure coaching appointments are to be made as early as possible.
e) Carry out its duties as per the Rules of Operation of the Association.

Rationale for Change: Redundancy as the Rules of Operation cover the same topic.

Motion to accept changes presented and contained in attached document > EMHA Executive
Second: Lorrianne Dutton Elmvale
Result: Carried

5. New Business & General Discussion
 Discussed the Executives decision to stop the lease of the concession booth related to new Public Health Regulations
 Plans for a new Cash Calendar sale was discussed as a fundraiser for EMHA , All EMHA Families will be required to purchase 5 calendars with registration and members will be asked to help sell more during the season to further fundraising attempts.
 Members requested that information surrounding confidentiality and camera use during games for reasons other than personal use be shared with the organization
 A member asked what Springwater charged for ice per hour , Treasurer reported that EMHA pays $180.00/hour for ice during both our regular season and for tournaments
 It was decided that we would elect a new Registrar this year so that he/she could shadow the current registrar to make the transition easier. Two nominees Sherry Hall & Jen Brewer It was voted on by the organization and - Sherry Hall was the successful candidate

6. Election of New EMHA Executive
President - Tina Robertson
LL Convener - John Seney
Technical Director - Brian Anderson
Treasurer - Nancy Sweeny
Tournament Manager - Ryen Oakes
Game Day Operator - Mike Kelly
Publicity and Sponsorship - Angela Birch
Volunteer Committee Manager - (1 year term) Jenny Coughlin
Fundraising Manager- (1 year term) Trista Belanger

7. Draw For Registration: Jamie McClung, Mike Kelly, Mellissa Peterson, Ryen Oaks & Barb

8. Volunteer Award

9. Closing Remarks

Adjournment Motion: Cullen Fay
Second: Angela Birch
Result: Carried
EMHA Association Sponsor
EMHA Association Sponsor