EMHA Return to Hockey Bulletin, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Aug 20, 2020 | Angela Birch | 11404 views
EMHA Return to Hockey Bulletin
Our executive has been working hard to unravel the new rules and regulations that will govern our return to hockey for the 2020-2021 season.  We are taking into account the guidelines of OHF/OMHA, the health unit, and Springwater Township as we prepare for our Coyotes to get back on the ice.  The plans are evolving and must be submitted to OMHA for approval prior to the commencement of any hockey related activities.

At this time, we can tell you that we understand the following to be true:

·      We will offer programming for IP and above but will not be able to offer preschool hockey.  This is a result of restrictions on the number of people permitted in the arena at one time and the amount of one-on-one assistance needed by these young beginners.  We know this is a disappointment to some of our youngest players and hope to welcome them again in 2021-2022.

·      Wellness checks will be required upon entering the arena.

·      There will be no tryouts, representative (rep) or AE (alternate entry) teams this season as per OHF/OMHA guidelines.

·      The season will begin mid-September with two weeks of a “skills and drills” format after which balanced in-house teams will be created.  These teams will be small (up to 10 players with just two staff members – a head coach and a trainer).  Coaches will be needed!  Please contact Brian Anderson via the website if you may be available to coach a team.

·      Teams will play a 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 format after the two week (minimum) skills and drills period.  We plan to provide both a practice and a game each week for an average of 2-3 hours of ice time each week.  Games will have referees and timekeepers.

·      At this point, spectators are not permitted.  Parents may enter to tie skates (masks required) but may not remain in the building to watch.  Physical distancing and sanitation are being carefully considered.

·      Fees will be collected once our plan has been approved and will be payable in installments as we progress through the phases of the plan.

·      We are negotiating solutions to mitigate the significant financial challenges related to our loss in fundraising and sponsorship opportunities.


As soon as we are able, we intend to provide a continued 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 experience with other local organizations.  We need to delay this, of course, until it is deemed safe to proceed.


As with everything Covid related, this situation is fluid.  We may move forward smoothly but also need to be prepared for any resurgence that necessitates a stall or a return to a more restrictive phase of the return to hockey framework.  The executive members are committed to providing the most extensive programming allowable under the circumstances.


When our plan is approved by all organizations, we will be able to provide more details on how we will operate.  We thank you for your patience as we learn to navigate this unprecedented time.
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