Ice Schedule/Practice Dates and Times for our Upcoming Season Start, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Sep 28, 2020 | Sherry Hall | 10875 views
Ice Schedule/Practice Dates and Times for our Upcoming Season Start
Our season start date of October 5th is fast approaching and we have finalized dates and times for our players to begin on the ice!

In order to determine what day and time you will be on the ice please follow the steps below:
- On the left hand side of our website you will see 'EMHA House League').  When you click on this, you will see 'Pre-Season'.
-  Once you select 'Pre-Season' you will then see 'Pre-Season Team Sites'.  When you click on your child's age division, you will then see different 'Pre-Season Groups'.

We have organized 'Pre-Season Groups' alphabetically.  To find which group you are in, click a group, and then choose player roster (on the left hand side) for a list of players.  These 'Pre-Season Groups' will be on the ice together for the first two weeks.  You can look on the EMHA calendar to find your groups ice times.

If you do not see your player's name on any of the rosters for his/her age group, please contact Sherry Hall at [email protected].  If you have not paid your registration fees, your child's name will not be in a group.
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