AGM Information, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Apr 02, 2021 | Sherry Hall | 19268 views
AGM Information
Elmvale Minor Hockey would like to invite you to participate in our 2021 Annual General meeting.

EMHA Annual General Meeting 
Thursday May 6, 2021 At 6:30 pm 
Online Via zoom

The AGM is a great opportunity to learn more about our association. All members in good standing of EMHA are invited to attend. Elections for the 2021-2022 Executive positions will also take place.

Pre-registration is required to attend the meeting. You must register by: May 4th. Please click the link below.
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 6, 2021 6:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 
Register in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about the meeting 

Have your voice heard! All members of EMHA, this is your chance to ask questions and give your input on how the association is run.  If you wish to speak on a topic at the AGM, you must make such a request in writing, to the secretary no later than Tuesday April 27, 2021 ([email protected])   

Association BY-LAWS – Procedure for Amendments
Procedure for any proposed changes to the current By-Laws by the Association Members must be submitted in writing to the Secretary 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) scheduled for May 6, 2021 for consideration at the AGM.  
Deadline for submitting is Tuesday April 27, 2021
Submission can be made by email to Lorrianne Dutton (Secretary)  – [email protected] 

Executive Positions
The following Executive member positions will be open for nominations during the 2021 Annual General Meeting:  - President (must be a current member of the executive)
- Game Day Operations (previously Referee in Chief)
- Sponsors & publicity
- Treasurer
- Technical Director
- Local league Convenor
- Tournament Manager

Executive Nominations:
Due to the Zoom meeting format all nominations must be submitted in writing to Lorrianne Dutton (Secretary) by April 29, 2021.  Please include your name and the specific position(s) you will accept - [email protected] 

Thursday May 6 at 6:30 pm
Via zoom
1. Call to order   
2. Executive Introductions   
3. Approval of minutes from AGM 2020  
4. President's address and reporting on activities of the Association from 2020-2021  
5. Financial report from 2020-2021 season and projected financial position for 2021-2022  
6. Voting of Amendments to the By-Law/Constitution   
7. General Discussions and New Business   
8. Election of new Elmvale Minor Hockey Executive positions  
9. Closing remarks  
10. Motion to adjourn

EMHA Association Sponsor
EMHA Association Sponsor