EMHA Schedule, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Sep 01, 2021 | Anthony Lalonde | 1723 views
EMHA Schedule
Hockey is coming back!!!

EMHA has posted as much of the schedule that is available right now so that parents can plan accordingly. A few things to note. 

- Divisions receive pre-skates before the season begins. Names will be added to this times shortly, but if you look for your child's division (ex U11) you will see approximately when they will happen for your child. They will occur over the first 2 weeks before tryouts for the rep teams.

- Developmental Skates - These will be Coaching Clinics, Goalie Clinics, and Checking clinics for players.

- The games have not yet been added to the schedule as they wont be determined until late September. They will be added at that time.  

The groups can be found in this Google Sheet Document
2021 EMHA Pre-Skate Groups
EMHA Association Sponsor
EMHA Association Sponsor