OMHA Vaccination Policy, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Oct 19, 2021 | Sherry Hall | 3422 views
OMHA Vaccination Policy
Hi EMHA Members,
As some of you may have heard, OMHA issued their vaccination policy yesterday, governing all Minor Hockey Associations under their jurisdiction.  For a copy of the policy, please see attached link. 

EMHA understands that this new policy may impact some of the affected persons listed within the OMHA guidelines including eligible players, game officials, OMHA officials, Instructors, Association Officials and Volunteers.  Although we hope you will join us for an exciting upcoming season, we understand and respect the choices you will need to make.

EMHA's hockey season will start September 10th, 2021 and as such, EMHA will be offering a full refund for those that choose not to continue until September 9th, 201.  Please contact Sherry Hall, EMHA Registrar ([email protected])for a refund request.  No refunds regarding OMHA's vaccination policy will be offered after this date.

At present time, OMHA has indicated that this policy does not apply to hockey players born in 2010.  It also does not apply to hockey spectators; however, EMHA will continue to work with Springwater Township on implementing their facility policies as they become available.  EMHA and Springwater Township continue to work on policy development as both are committed to a full season while keeping the safety of everyone at the forefront.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the rink very soon.  If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact myself at [email protected]

With Thanks,
John Seney
EMHA President
EMHA Association Sponsor
EMHA Association Sponsor