Safety Protocols and Covid Screening for Elmvale Arena, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Oct 20, 2021 | Sherry Hall | 4930 views
Safety Protocols and Covid Screening for Elmvale Arena
Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer!  With only a couple of days away till hockey season starts up, I wanted to welcome you to the Elmvale Minor Hockey 2021-2022 season. 

The EMHA Executive has been working hard over the last couple of months on putting together what we hope to be a "regular" season as much as possible given the restrictions and safety precautions in place.  I would like to sincerely thank Springwater Township, specifically Briana and Paul, for their commitment and collaboration with EMHA on helping to put together an exciting hockey year.

I am sure many of you have questions regarding how the season will look and what safety precautions will be in place during the season.  I have attached the Elmvale Arena Step 3-Roadmap to Reopen which outlines the agreement EMHA has with Springwater Township and the Arena.  Please have a look as it explains a lot of the procedures for this upcoming year and steps we all need to follow to ensure a safe and engaged hockey season.  Two key points are the requirements of parents/participants to sign off on an Acknowledgement, Assumption of Risk and Release Waiver (link attached in document/one time only) and to complete the Covid Screening Form before entering the arena (each time you and/or hockey participant attend).  The link for that form is

On behalf of the EMHA Executive, we want to thank you and your hockey players for being a part of the Elmvale Minor Hockey Family and hope you enjoy this year's hockey season.

All the best,
John Seney
EMHA President


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