AGM Agenda, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Apr 29, 2022 | Michael Kelly | 6579 views
AGM Agenda
Here is the Agenda for Thursday's AGM being held at the Community Hall starting at 7:00PM.

Thursday May 5th at 7:00 pm
Elmvale Community Hall
33 Queen Street W

  1. Call to order
  2. Executive Introductions
  3. Approval of minutes from AGM 2021
  4. Presidents address and reporting on activities of the Association from 2021-2022
  5. Financial report from 2021-2022 season and projected financial position for 2022-2023
  6. General Discussions and New Business
  7. Election of new Elmvale Minor Hockey Executive positions
  8. Closing remarks
  9. Motion to adjourn

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EMHA Association Sponsor