We are accepting nominees from the members of EMHA to be voted on by the Executive. Please submit your nominee to Lorrianne Dutton at
[email protected] by Thursday March 23rd at 5:00 pm
1. The Earl (Bud) Vollick Memorial Award for Rep Coaching Staff of the Year
2. The Earl (Bud) Vollick Memorial Award for LL Coaching Staff of the Year
3. The Doug McConnell Trophy for LL Goalie of the Year:
4. The Doug McConnell Trophy for Rep Goalie of the Year:
5. TUNY LEM PERSEVERANCE AWARD is given to members of Elmvale Minor Hockey who have undergone personal hardships, yet has continued to enjoy hockey. These families will have gone through some difficult times this season but have maintained their great outlook and love of hockey
6. EILEEN REYNOLDS MEMORIAL AWARD is presented to a member of EMHA who has dedicated years of time and energy to our program. You can always count on their support and enthusiasm.