The U9 1 Team Wrap up!, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Mar 27, 2023 | Anthony Lalonde | 1194 views
The U9 1 Team Wrap up!
The U9-1 team see success as they moved to full ice!!

The LL1 U9 season came to an end this weekend at the Year End Wrap up held in Owen Sound. The team played their hearts out for a final 3rd place finish due to a goal differential technicality by one goal. Our team grew so much on and off the ice this year. Learning to play full ice, new positions, skating, stick handling and learning to play as a team! This season leaves us with such fun memories from tournaments- mini sticks battles, swimming at hotels, dinners out, shaving Dads heads after a win, seeing the Falls in -20 as a team and many more!
We are so proud of the accomplishments of this team year.  They never failed to show up and fight for a strong finish. The LL1 team only lost 3 games total after going full ice in January, including 2 in tournament play! Way to go Coyotes!! At the U9 Coyote Cup in Elmvale we finished 3rd place. The team went undefeated in Niagara Falls and were Champions at the U9 Breakaway Tournament.

Our team consisted of such a great group of players: Owen Durnford, Jack Bennett, Kohen Archer, Jackson Potter, Finn Muirhead, Maverick Smith, Lincoln Thompson, Kolten Klein Gebbinck, Audrey Forigo, Easton Culbert, Cole Foster & Bryson Weir.
We are so thankful for our great coaching staff who taught the kids so much this year on and off the ice! Always able to inspire them to be better! Graham Archer (Head Coach), Mike Durnford (Assistant Coach), Michelle Durnford (Trainer), Brett Klein Gebbinck and Gareth Potter (On Ice Helpers). We appreciate everything that you guys did for the team this year!

A special thanks goes out to all the parents and families for your constant love and support. It will be hard to match the bond the team this year had!! This team is what playing hockey is all about! 

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