U15LL Wrap Up!, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Mar 28, 2023 | Anthony Lalonde | 866 views
U15LL Wrap Up!

This team has a hell of a story so let’s start at the beginning. We weren’t even sure there was going to be a team. We had no coaches, uncertainties about players, communication mix-ups... Then appeared four young men (I don’t even know where they came from but I can hear the angels singing), and we had a top notch coaching staff. Am ambitious young lady stepped up to play goalie and the team was ready to go.

So the “going” part was a process. To put it politely it was a rough start. However, week after week coaches and players showed up to every practice and every game with such tenacity, such support and respect for each other the team evolved. Everyone continued to work together and stay positive. Ready to play and push on even though try as they might they just couldn’t manage to squeeze out a win. They would come out of their dressing rooms tired and disappointed but nine times out of ten they had a smile on.

As the season went on it was obvious to anyone who was privy to seeing these kids in action that their skills were greatly improving. Coaches and players continued to work hard together and the results were obvious to anyone watching.

So this brings us to Peterborough and the Millbrook Winter Classic Hockey Tournament 2023. 1st game played just shy of a tie. 2nd game (at 7am no less), not so good. Game 3 - The Coyotes were on fire! We were down. Then tied. Then down. Then tied again; and then we were ahead with only minutes to go. The Fans were cheering and ringing bells like no tomorrow. Could they just hold on? And the the buzzer went and THEY DID IT!!! The looks on the players faces is something I will never forget. They worked so hard and damn straight they deserved that win! At this point I realize I’m so happy I’m in tears and quickly move to wipe them away, embarrassed to be the Mom who would do this. Yet when I turned around it wasn’t just me. There were tears of joy and pride everywhere. This is the kind of team movies are made of... who knows? Maybe Netflix will be coming to town.

Once home again the U15LL went on to compete in the round robin eeking out a place in the Championship for Pool C. They took fourth place in a whirl of fast, skilled exciting games. This team is a true example of what can be accomplished with dedication, hard work, good attitudes and amazing support.

Our team consisted of our goalie Taylor Burrell (#1), Blake Isaac (#2), Johnny Long (#3), Cristian Bacik-Zanetti (#4), Reed Gilmour (#5), Kolton McNabb (#6), Dysun Valender (#7), Eric Gilchrist (#8), Meghan Ritchie (#9), Eden Nelson (#10), Evan Beatty (#11), Zachary Heddleston (#12), Trent Anderson (#15), Lance McIlmoyle (#16), and Jordan Wiebe (#17).

Our more sincere thanks to our Head Coach, Matt Priest, Assistant Coaches, Matt Purcha and Jacob Linzer, Trainer Ben Keeper and Manager Michael Gilchrist. You all are over the top! Thank you to Matt and Nick for stepping up as our AP players. It is said it takes a village as I would like to recognize all the efforts and supports from our hockey families; parents, grandparents, siblings, extended families, friends and neighbours. To our sponsor DDA Trucking ; thank you and merci.
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