Feb 11, 2015 | rwickett | 2120 views
Atom Rep Head for the OMHA Quarter-Finals
After a first round bye, the McLaren Equipment Atom Reps played a solid series vs their arch rivals, the Penetang Flames, to advance to the OMHA B Quarter-finals.
Game 1 of the series saw the Coyotes out-hustled and out-played by the Flames, only to have their "tendy", Ian 'crazy legs" Robertson, stand on his head and steal the game. Timely 3rd period scoring allowed the lads to escape with a 5-4 victory.
The second game of the series saw our boys come to play, dominating Penetang on both ends of the ice, leading to a 4-1 victory. So confidence was riding high...maybe a little to high, because game 3 saw the Coyotes play a bit of a sloppy game. They were out-hustled by the Flames, who were trying desperately to stave off elimination. The end result was a 3-1 loss for Elmvale.
But our Coyotes are resilient, and the boys were determined not to repeat mistakes made in game 3 of the series. After falling behind in the decisive game 4 of the series, the boys stormed back with 3 un-answered goals, taking the game, and the series, in front of a disappointed home crowd in Penetang.
The boys will look to continue their winning ways in the quarter-finals, against a strong team from Kincardine. And with the coaches preaching the merits of hustle and teamwork, the atoms have a strong chance of continuing their run for the finals! Judging by all the laughs they are having in the dressing room and the fun they are having on the practice ice, they will all enjoy the rest of their season journey, wherever it leads.