Jan 14, 2017 | Jamie McClung | 1576 views
McNamara Power Line Novice Rep Season in Review!!
The Elmvale Coyote Novice Rep team sponsored by McNamara
Power Line Construction recently completed their regular season. The team roster
includes in no particular order Braxton Westcott (Goalie), Brodie Ricthie,
Bryson Yardy, Carter Bylow, Conlan Dominic, Elliott Turbach, Evan Buchanan,
Foster McClung, Gavin Hall, Jackson Bardens, Leim VanLoosen, Mitch Bardens and
Nick “The Stick” Peterson.
This group of thirteen hard skating, accurate shooting and tape to tape passing kids has had an up and down regular season, winning some games, losing some games, practicing hard and playing even harder. Despite the coaching, they have received this season each and every player has improved their skills immensely since the first ice time way back in August and have put those skills to use through what has already been a long season for kids that played tyke hockey last year. More importantly each and every player has maintained a great attitude, become great teammates and have bought into the “teamwork gets it done” mentality. The team has already travelled to Belleville and Kincardine for away tournaments this season where they participated in many team building exercises including nerf wars, mini stick hockey, a “Beanboozled” exercise and of course a whole bunch of time spent poolside. They are now preparing for a playoff run that I’m sure will have some ups and some downs, however it will hopefully be the first of many in 13 long successful minor hockey careers. I would also like to thank a dedicated group of volunteers Brad Ritchie, Mike Bardens, Darryl VanLoosen, Dan Yardy and Stacy Parker for all their help over the course of season, as well as, the dedicated parents of all minor hockey players and finally our sponsors. Go Coyotes Go!!!