Registration Process (Invoices & Payments), News, U7 - LL 2 - Tim Hortons, U7 (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Organization | May 26, 2023 | Michael Kelly | 4989 views
Registration Process (Invoices & Payments)
Just a quick note for everybody to outline how the process works registering your kids as it relates to our internal record keeping (which is separate from the Hockey Canada Registry used in the registration process).

The purpose of this is to limit the amount of queries related to the receipt of 'invoices' and subsequent application of payments.

Step 1 - Register Through HCR
Step 2 - EMHA Registrar verifies data and provides it to Treasurer
Step 3 - Treasurer creates and sends out invoice
Step 4 - Treasurer creates and sends out receipts for payments received.

This note is to highlight the fact that there can be days or even possibly weeks between each of these steps.

As a great example, registration opened on May 15th.  Many of you have completed Step 1, in most cases our Registrar has completed Step 2, but we have not created any invoices to date (Step 3), nor recorded any payments (Step 4).

So if you have registered, you will be receiving an invoice shortly.  That invoice will show no payments applied to it.  Do not panic. Once we have caught up on our invoices we will start to record payments and you will receive your receipts at that point.  There will always be a time lag between invoice and payment.  Sometimes as little as minutes but sometimes as much as weeks.  You can always view your invoice through the link provided when the invoice is sent to see what the balance is currently.  If after a few weeks of receiving your invoices your payment(s) haven't been applied feel free to reach out.

Have a great spring / summer.
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