Tyke Parents Please Read!, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Sep 28, 2013 | kfay | 8164 views
Tyke Parents Please Read!
As discussed with the coaches from the 5 Tyke teams, we have decided on a 40 game season, resulting in 16 games per team and 4 bye weeks per team.  To date, I have only entered Games 1 to 30 on the schedule (12 games and 3 bye weeks per team). 

These entered games are on Saturdays at 1:10 pm and 2:15 pm, from October 19 to February 15.  The remaining 10 games will be booked up using available ice slots that remain open, mostly on Sundays.  I will be doing that in the coming weeks, so plenty of notice will be available when the ice returns October 18th.

The GAMES will all show up on your own teams webpage, HOWEVER, all of your PRACTICES will not for the following reason: We will be sharing the Friday practices with three tyke teams per week and the website will only allow for two teams to share a practice. Therefore, be sure to read the NOTES section of the practice as the 3rd team will be listed there.  All practice times have been fairly distributed to allow for an equal share of Wednesday practices at 5:10 pm with two teams and Friday practices at 5:10 pm with 3 teams.

As we are in control of our own scheduling (not counting on the availability of other Centers), we will enter the remaining games (31-40) into the schedule over the season, using available ice times while keeping a playoff format in mind for late February, early March.  Although we lose some ice times due to hosting our two Tournaments (Maple Syrup Tournament not included as it is on the last weekend of the season), the schedules will be equivalent and fair to ALL tyke members and EMHA registrants.  Other teams also lose ice time due to Christmas falling on a Wednesday, adding Boxing Day and New Years! 

Because the Coyote schedule does not include these tentative scheduled time slots, there is no use in attempting to calculate your on ice time and compare it to other teams as some people may be concerned with doing right now.  Please REST ASSURED knowing that the end result will be fair and equal for all. 

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