Atom Rep Tryout Update, News (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

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Sep 06, 2018 | Jamie McClung | 1027 views
Atom Rep Tryout Update
If your players ID number is on the list below he/she has been successfull in the tryout process to his point and will need to attend the next scheduled tryoiut for the Atom Rep team.
2039 2025 2046  
2193 2175 2203      
2299 2266 2313
2364 2483  
2555 2617
2661 2700 2718
2731 2788 2806
2890 2919 2976  
2249 2684 2381

If your players number is not on the list please check the schedule for the next Atom AE tryout or Local League ice time.

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