Picture nights are scheduled for October 9th and 10th !!
See below for your teams night and time.
Tuesday October 9 Wednesday October 10
5:40 Preschool
6:00 IP #1 6:00 Atom LL#1
6:20 IP #2 6:20 Atom LL#2
6:40 Tyke #1 6:40 Atom AE
7:00 Tyke #2 7:00 Atom Rep
7:20 Novice LL 7:20 Peewee LL#1
7:40 Novice Rep 7:40 Peewee AE
8:00 Bantam LL#1 8:00 Peewee Rep
8:20 Bantam LL#2 8:20 Midget LL
8:40 Bantam Rep 8:40 Midget Rep