Oct 29, 2012 | PeeWee LL1 Reporter | 1397 views
Orr Lake Golf Club PeeWee LL
Our season began on Sunday, October 14 with a game against Midland 2 in Midland. Without having had a practice as a team at this point, the boys and Emily quickly came together to come back from a 3-0 score to end the game in a 4-4 tie.
Goals were scored by Josh Rossi, Carter Luoma and Tyler Scott, with assists going to Josh Lemcke, Hayden Schepers, Dillon Jenkins, Cole Findlay, Brendan Scott and Josh R, with great passing and team play from Eric Aldersey. Great defensive plays by Emily Racco, Alden Barrington, Justin Gautreau, Billy McLeod and Drake Jonkman. Goalie, Nicky Jufferman, played a fantastic game and made many great saves. Game 2 pitted us against the other Elmvale LL team. It was a very evenly played and close game, but we came up short in the end. The final score was 4-3 in favour or our opponents. The first goal of the game was scored by Cole and assisted by Carter, with the second one by brendan, assisted by Tyler and Eric. Hayden put goal three in the net with the assistance of Josh R and Emily. thank you in advance to our great coaching staff Carl Luoma(coach), Al Scott(trainer), Jason Jenkins(Asst trainer), Dave Aldersey(Asst Coach), Michelle Juffermans(manager) and also to our sponsor Orr Lake Golf club. Our next home game is Friday, October 26. Come out and cheer us on!