McNamara Novice Rep Claims Top Spot in League Play, News, Novice Rep, U9, 2013-2014 (Elmvale Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 13, 2014 | Michael Kelly | 1195 views
McNamara Novice Rep Claims Top Spot in League Play
Since the McNamara Novice Rep Coyotes qualified for the Silver Stick finals they finished off their final 7 games of the regular season with 5 wins and 2 losses.

Losses to Oro, and Collingwood, and victories over Penetang(3), Owen Sound, and Oro completed the Georgian Bay Schedule for the Novices.

A convincing 4-0 win in their final game against Oro brought their record to 13-5-2 for the season which (by way of some tie breaking formula) was good enough to earn them the top spot in the league.

The Coyotes also participated in the West Grey tournament where they found themselves on the losing end of 2 one goal results despite playing fairly well in both games.  3-2 loss to Pelham, and 4-3 loss to Mount Forest.

The team will now await the winner of the Penetang v Collingwood series in their OMHA playoffs.  In the mean time they will prepare for their trip south of the border to St Clair Shores Michigan where they will compete in the International Silver Stick Finals Jan 24-26.